How To Choose

The Right Baseball

Bat For You


If you are wanting to buy a baseball bat consider who will be
using it.

Baseball Bats for the Professional and Amateur

From the time small children are old enough to hold a baseball
bat many have longed to be part of the great American pastime.
Baseball bats have been around ever since the game was created
and there are baseball museums that have collections of baseball
bats owned and used by famous players.

When kids first start to play the game of baseball they use a
plastic bat. There are plastic baseball bats made today for the
youngest of ballplayers and some even have baseball teams or
players names on them.

As children get older and more serious about the game they find
there are choices to be made about which bat to buy. Baseball
bats come in many widths, lengths and materials. A heavier bat
gives the ball more momentum but a heavier bat also means a less
speedy swing. Bats that are made from graphite or aluminum hit
balls farther than baseball bats made from wood.

Players endorse baseball bats and many have their names on them.
Baseball team logos are also represented on baseball bats.

When aluminum bats were first introduced in the 1970's, batting
averages rose 30 points and home run hits doubled. In the Major
Leagues batters now use wooden bats instead of baseball bats made
from lighter materials. They could change to the baseball bats
made from aluminum or a lighter material but it would
significantly change the home runs hit today and the traditional
records and baseball legends would not seem as important.

If you are wanting to buy a baseball bat consider who will be
using it. Age and which league you are playing in is also a
deciding factor. Little League bats can’t be more than 2 1/4
inches in diameter or more than 33 inches long for instance.
Adult leagues have rules about baseball bats also.

Speed and control are the most crucial factors to consider when
buying a baseball bat. Check the weight of the bat, if it’s too
heavy it won’t work for you. When checking the grip, your
fingertips should meet when closed around the handle.

You can buy a small wooden baseball bat for $10-$20. An aluminum
bat will cost between $20-$200 or more but it won’t chip or peel
and the balance and weight will remain constant.

There are thousands of baseball bats to choose from. Talk to an
expert who can help you decide which is the perfect baseball bat
for you.

Ken Austin

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